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Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson Applauds the Passage of Legislation Mandating Generators at all Florida Nursing Homes

MIAMI, FL – Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson issued the following statement in response to the passage of legislation mandating generators at all Florida nursing homes:

"Last year, 14 patients at the Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills tragically lost their lives because of a ‘prolonged power failure' that shut down the facility's air conditioning system during Hurricane Irma. Today, Florida's state legislature passed Senate Bill 7028 and House Bill 7099, which require nursing homes to have backup power capability and adequate fuel supplies to maintain air conditioning for 96 hours after loss of electricity.

"This legislation is a victory for Florida. Our state has the highest concentrations of nursing homes and related facilities. Nursing homes' preparedness and response to emergencies ensures that our seniors receive the care they deserve. To that end, I have partnered with state lawmakers, long-term care providers, and experts in the field to form an honorary task force to strengthen compliance and standards for licensed facilities. The first phase of our commitment included the October 19, 2017, congressional field hearing, which was convened to hear testimony from experts and officials about the tragedy with general recommendations.

"Other actions include language added to an $81 billion disaster aid package requiring FEMA to provide training and guidance that will assist nursing homes and long-term care facilities to better prepare for power outages during a major natural disaster. Additionally, new language has been added to the Disaster Recovery Reform Act, requiring authorities responding to power outages during hurricanes to prioritize long-term care facilities and hospitals at the beginning of their response efforts.

"The second phase of our commitment to strengthen compliance and standards for licensed facilities includes the formation of a consortium. This will include a broad spectrum of stakeholders who will reexamine emergency preparedness parameters and requirements for licensed facilities for seniors during natural disasters and propose specific actions to ensure that tragedies like the one that occurred at the Hollywood Hills nursing home during Hurricane Irma never happen again on our watch. We are the guardians of our seniors and it's up to all of us to create a safety net for them to ensure this never happens again."