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Congresswoman Frederica Wilson Hosts Project 2025 Tele-Town Hall with Congressman Maxwell Frost, Former Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber, the ACLU, American Federation of Teachers, National Urban League, the Center for American Progress, and the Americans for Immigrant Justice

Miami, Fla.— Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (FL-24), member of the Congressional ‘Stop Project 2025 Task Force’, hosted a Project 2025 tele-town hall with local and national policy experts.

The town hall was live-streamed on September 5th, 2024, and nearly 5,000 people across South Florida and nationwide tuned in via their phones and the livestream.

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson said, “Project 2025 is a 920-page draconian document that outlines the conservative vision for the future that affects everything from your pocketbooks, your family, your freedoms, and our democracy. That is why Democrats in Congress have put together House Resolution 1386 to condemn Project 2025 because this plan cannot go into effect, but this future is almost certainly a reality under another Trump administration. My office has heard many calls from constituents on Project 2025 and they are concerned about this takeover of the federal government. So this town hall was to help tell people about how dangerous Project 2025 is because we should be lowering everyday costs and protecting freedoms, not raising costs and undercutting freedoms.” 

"In Florida, Project 2025 isn't some far-off threat; it's a reality. Week after week, our communities are seeing people lose their bodily autonomy, books on history and diversity being banned, political opponents removed from office, and the working class under attack," said Congressman Maxwell Frost. "It's a full-fledged attack on democracy, and our nation cannot go down the same road. We must use our voices now and at the ballot box to ensure Project 2025 does not become our future."

Former Mayor of Miami Beach, Dan Gelber, said, “Project 2025 will assure our Nation is hotter, more prone to floods and severe winds and, clearly, a much more expensive place to live. It will rollback every major advancement we have made in addressing this existential crisis facing humanity.”

President of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, said, “Project 2025 is a grave threat to the promise we make to children and families in the United States: that our public schools will help all kids soar. Its authors want to abolish the Department of Education–code for kicking the ladder of opportunity out from under low-income and middle-class families. They’d end civil rights-era programs like Head Start, IDEA and Title I that level the playing field and help the least-well off get ahead. They want to destroy our public schools by using vouchers to syphon taxpayer dollars to unaccountable private schools attended mostly by the rich. And they want to wage a war on knowledge that pits educators against parents by banning books, censoring history and attacking the most vulnerable. The good news is their plans are reviled by voters, which is why we are joining with Rep. Wilson and others to elect leaders this November focused on real solutions for a better life—and who see Project 2025 for what it really is.”

“Project 2025 is a declaration of hate, contempt, and division. It walks, talks, and smells just like the Dixie Manifesto or Southern Manifesto of the 1950’s,” President of the National Urban League, Marc H. Morial, said. “It is a danger to this country. It is designed to put oligarchs and a handful of well-resourced money-ed people in charge. It’s designed to build a wall that separates, quote, anyone that is an ‘other’ from access to the Americans dream.”

“Project 2025 is a plan to take away our freedoms and let politicians and bureaucrats control some of our most deeply personal decisions,” said Mike Zamore, National Director of Policy & Government Affairs at the ACLU. “If you think the government has no business forcing you to carry a pregnancy, dictating what name you go by, deciding what books your kids can read, or forcibly separating parents from their children, you should be working to stop Project 2025 from becoming a reality.” 

Director of Health Policy for the Center for American Progress, Natasha Murphy, said, “The proposals in Project 2025 endanger health care coverage and weaken public health protections for millions of Americans. Low-income families, seniors, and marginalized communities will bear the brunt of these changes, facing rising costs, fewer care options, and greater risk from preventable illnesses.”

Sui Chung, the incoming Executive Director for Americans for Immigrant Justice, said, “Project 2025 targets immigrants, perceived immigrants, families, children and the well-being, security and safety of all Americans.  We all must be aware and alert, and as a unified community, resist this attack on the people of the United States.”

To see House Resolution 1386, which condemns Project 2025, click here.

To see the full video of the livestream, click here.

Congresswoman Wilson also previously wrote an op-ed on Project 2025. Click here for the op-ed.


More on Project 2025

The Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank funded by shady dark money interests, has been plotting Project 2025, a scheme to help the next conservative president quickly enact the most radical agenda in the history of the country. The plan is laying the groundwork for a new president to seize power and enact broad changes that are deeply unpopular with the American people. This includes vastly expanding the ability of the president to purge civil servants who are not sufficiently loyal to this extreme right-wing agenda.

  • Within the first 180 days of taking office, the plan calls for attacks on reproductive rights, the rule of law, and the expansion of the cruel and inhumane immigration policies from the Trump administration. Project 2025 is a comprehensive plan that would touch every department of the federal government and fundamentally reshape the lives of the American people. The Project’s four-pronged strategy that includes:
    • A laundry list of extreme policies to be enacted across the federal government
    • A blueprint for how to use existing authority – or expand the power of the presidency – to implement right-wing policy proposals
    • A database of right-wing ideologues who wholeheartedly endorse this power grab and far-right policies
    • Training for staff so they can more efficiently enact this extreme agenda.