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Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson Joins House and Senate Democrats in Offering Americans “A Better Deal”

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson today announced Democrats' new economic agenda for the American people – A Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future.

"For the past six months, President Donald J. Trump and Republicans in both chambers of Congress have made it painfully clear that big business and the wealthiest Americans are their top priority. They have demonstrated their disregard for the welfare of low- and middle-income Americans' well-being in myriad ways, from rollbacks of measures that protect the safety of the air we breathe and the water we drink to a losing battle to diminish or demolish access to the quality, affordable health care they've come to rely on," said Congresswoman Wilson. "Democrats are making hardworking Americans an offer that puts them first."

A Better Deal has three core objectives: creating good-paying, full-time jobs for 10 million more Americans in the next five years; lowering the cost of prescription drugs and ending outrageous drug price gouging; and cracking down on monopolies and big corporate mergers that hurt consumers, workers, and competition.

Since gaining control of both the White House and Congress, Republicans have not done one thing to create jobs, rebuild our nation's crumbling infrastructure, or offer a plan to preserve and protect Americans' access to health care. Instead of taking from the poor to give to the rich, Democrats are offering a plan that will provide better jobs, better wages, and a better future for all Americans—not just the super-rich.

"Since the November election, there has been much debate about whether Democrats have clearly articulated to voters what we stand for. Today that question has been answered: We stand for them."