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Wilson Statement on the Supreme Court’s DACA Decision

Miami, FLToday, Congresswoman Wilson issued the following statement on the Supreme Court's ruling on the White House's effort to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program:

"I am celebrating today's landmark Supreme Court ruling that prohibits the Trump administration from rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program with the thousands of Hispanic and Haitian DACA recipients in District 24. They are our neighbors, coworkers, and taxpayers like the rest of us whose fates and children's futures have been in limbo for far too long. This is a great day for justice in America.

"These young adults, who were brought to this country as small children, are American in every way but one. For many, the United States is the only home they've ever known. They have established deep roots and built families and careers in our communities. For the past few months, thousands of Dreamers have been health-care heroes, caring for COVID-19 patients under the most excruciating physical and emotional circumstances. They also serve on other front lines to help protect our nation and provide other essential roles.

"The court's decision is cause for jubilee, but we cannot lose sight of the imperative to find a more permanent solution. Congress must pass the American Dream and Promise Act to give DACA recipients a path to citizenship. Home is Here is so much more than a clever hashtag; it's their truth."