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Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson on House Republicans’ Failed Immigration Bill

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson issued the following statement on the failure of House Republicans' "compromise" immigration bill:

"While I am relieved that Speaker Paul Ryan's so-called "compromise" immigration bill failed miserably on the House floor today, I am disappointed that it was not because 112 Republicans recognized that the legislation is punitive and anathema to our American values.

"Instead, my colleagues across the aisle voted against the bill because they couldn't agree on how low to go to betray and penalize DREAMers, asylum seekers, families separated at the border, and relatives of U.S. citizens. Their unwillingness to seek an honest compromise leaves young people who have spent the majority of their lives thinking of this country as their own in a state of uncertainty and political asylum seekers with legitimate claims twisting in the wind. It sentences migrant families to indefinite periods of detention in for-profit prisons and breaks millions of promises made to relatives of U.S. citizens whose citizenship petitions had been approved.

"Sadder still, the worst may be yet to come as Republicans work to turn President Trump's indecent and inhumane immigration policies into law."