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Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson Statement on the Death of a 12th Hollywood Hills Nursing Home Resident

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson issued the following statement in response to the death of a twelfth Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills resident:

"I was horrified to learn today that the Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills' death toll is now at 12. Like Albertina Vega, Betty Hibbard, Gail Nova, Carolyn Eatherly, Martha Murray, Carlos Canal, Bobby Owens, Miguel Franco, Estella Hendricks, Manuel Mario Mendieta, and Constance Alice Thomas before her, Dolores Biamonte, 57, who passed away Thursday night, is a victim of the nursing home's inexcusable negligence.

"I strongly believe that the loss of so many lives was more likely than not avertible, and I am joining Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio and Governor Rick Scott in the call for federal and state investigations of the circumstances that has so far led to 12 tragedies. As I previously noted, the nursing home had been repeatedly cited for safety and other violations and should have been monitored to ensure that its residents were being properly cared for.

"Ever since news broke of the first deaths, I have vowed to do everything within my power to prevent similar needless tragedies from happening again.

"On September 19, I hosted a town hall that focused on strengthening compliance and standards at long-term care facilities. In addition, I launched an honorary task force at the event to address emergency first response efforts at long-term care facilities. Members include legislators, mayors, first responders, advocacy groups, long-term care providers, regional hospital administrators, and representatives from utility and energy companies who will work in smaller groups tasked with specific missions and goals.

"I also am introducing legislation to require nursing homes and other long-term health care facilities that receive federal funding and resources to have a backup generator or other power source to protect residents, particularly senior citizens, from severe weather conditions. Other measures include a bill to create a grant program within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to fund generators and backup power source equipment for certain nursing homes and long-term care facilities, and another that would direct FEMA to prioritize assistance to nursing homes and long-term care facilities in response to a major disaster or emergency. In addition, I plan to host a field hearing on nursing home preparedness in the event of an emergency or natural disaster.

"I am deeply saddened by the deaths that occurred under the Rehabilitation Center's watch. Such blatant disregard has highlighted the need for federal oversight to ensure that all health care facilities are acting responsibly, are properly equipped, and doing everything they can to safeguard the vulnerable people in their care."