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Press Releases

The House Passes Bill to Help the VA Recruit and Retain High-Quality Caregivers for Our Vets

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson issued the following statement in response to the passage of H.R. 1367 to improve VA's authority to hire, retain physicians."
"In a welcome show of bipartisanship today, my colleagues and I unanimously passed legislation to improve the VA's ability to recruit and retain high-quality health care providers and to compete with non-VA medical facilities to attract the best-possible candidates. H.R. 1367 also addresses other pressing staffing issues.
"District 24 is home to more than 15,000 veterans. We owe them and every man and woman who has served in uniform a world of debt. They make enormous sacrifices in a myriad of ways to keep us and our great nation safe from harm. It is incumbent upon those of us who serve in government to do all that we can to repay them by ensuring that they have access to top-notch health care and other services. Our veterans have more than earned it—many at considerable cost."