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Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson Explains What You Need to Know about the Affordable Care Act's Upcoming Open Enrollment

MIAMI - Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (FL-24) will host a forum about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) from 10a.m. to noon, Saturday, August 31, 2013, at Pentecostal Tabernacle International church located at 18415 NW 7th Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL 33169

MIAMI - Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (FL-24) will host a forum about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) from 10a.m. to noon, Saturday, August 31, 2013, at Pentecostal Tabernacle International church located at 18415 NW 7th Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL 33169. Beginning October 1, 2013, individuals, families and small businesses can purchase health insurance plans under provisions of the ACA. Congresswoman will be joined- at the forum- by health industry experts to explain how South Floridians can enroll and learn what’s available to them.

“In just a few short weeks, eligible South Floridians will be able to purchase affordable healthcare insurance under the Affordable Care Act. For the first time, the uninsured and the under insured will have access to insurance plans that meet their needs and their budgets. Because there is so much information to navigate through, I have put together a panel of health industry experts to explain to constituents what they need to know and to answers questions from eligibility, to the impact on Medicaid and Medicare, to federal subsidies and tax credits.

“Because of the ACA, affordable health care is now a right for all, not a privilege for the few,” said Congresswoman Wilson.

WHO: Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson, Dr. Roderick King, Executive Director, Florida
Public Health Institute; Janet Perkins, Executive Director, Miami Dade County
Office of Countywide Healthcare Planning; William Warren, Principal, Benefits
Design Resources; Annie Neasman, President & CEO, Jessie Trice Community
Health Center and representatives Enroll America

WHAT: Congresswoman Wilson Hosts Forum on Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment

WHEN: Saturday, August 31, 2013 10:00 a.m. to Noon

WHERE: Pentecostal Tabernacle International church, 18415 NW 7th Avenue, Miami Gardens,
FL 33169


Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson is a second-term Congresswoman from Florida representing parts of Northern Miami-Dade and Southeast Broward counties. A former state legislator and school principal, she is the founder of the 5000 Role Models for Excellence Project, a mentoring program for young males at risk of dropping out of school. Along with Congressman Bill Posey, Congresswoman Corrine Brown, and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, Congresswoman Wilson serves as founding Co-Chair of the Florida Ports Caucus, a bipartisan taskforce that coordinates federal action in support of Florida’s harbors and waterways.