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Congresswoman Wilson’s Statement on Supreme Court Decision to Abolish Affirmative Action

 Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (FL-24), Ranking Member of the Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee, issued the following statement on the Supreme Court’s ruling to abolish affirmative action policies.

"For some reason, every time people of color take a step forward, this nation finds a way to make them take three steps back. The Supreme Court's decision on affirmative action is unconscionable, out of touch, and a significant setback. America is the land of opportunity. It's antithetical to our values. 

"Affirmative action programs allow historically underrepresented students to pursue higher education, enabling classrooms and workplaces to reflect the country's diversity. Affirmative action does not guarantee the outcome. Underrepresented minorities afforded the opportunity to study at our nation's most esteemed institutions have worked incredibly hard to succeed and, eventually, ascend to the most coveted leadership roles in our nation—from Supreme Court Justice to President.  

"Previous Supreme Courts have had a history of upholding race-conscious admissions policies. For over 40 years, they have repeatedly held that race-conscious admissions policies were consistent with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, which guarantees everyone the promise of equal protection under our laws.

"Yet, instead of pursuing a constitutionally sound and compelling path forward, this hyper-conservative Supreme Court has rolled back history. It pains me to think that as we have fought to reduce racial disparities in this country, all the progress we've made in the past years is in jeopardy.

"Congress must act to preserve the true intention of affirmative action – protecting our rights to equality and unbound opportunity. That's why I proudly joined my Democratic colleagues to sign onto an amicus brief urging the Supreme to uphold race's role in college admission policies last year.

"This is undoubtedly a setback, but we will not let these discriminatory admission factors stand without challenge.”
