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President Trump Tells Us What He Really Thinks About Immigrants of Color

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson issued the following statement in response to President Trump's disparaging comments about Haiti, El Salvador and African nations:

"I should be disappointed by reports that President Trump thinks that Haiti, El Salvador and African nations are ‘shithole countries' and that he has a decided preference for immigrants from countries like Norway, but I'm not. Nor am I surprised.

"It is a travesty that our nation is being led by someone who demeans the presidency at every opportunity by word, tweet and deed. The United States would not be the great nation that it is without the contributions of immigrants from all over the world, including American-born citizens of African, Caribbean and Latino descent, a fact that Mr. Trump willfully ignores.

"His comments are yet another sign that people of color cannot count on this administration to create an agenda that treats all Americans fairly, regardless of their race, creed or color. To them I say, don't get mad. Vote."