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Congresswoman Wilson Honors Space Recipients of New Frontier Congressional Gold Medal

Congresswoman Wilson Honors Space Recipients of New Frontier Congressional Gold Medal
For Immediate Release: 11/16/2011
Contact: Mahen Gunaratna, (202) 225-4506

Congresswoman Wilson Honors Space Recipients of New Frontier Congressional Gold Medal

Wilson to Attend Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony This Morning in U.S. Capitol

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (FL-17) will attend the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony honoring four American space pioneers – The Honorable John Glenn, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin.

“These individuals have pushed the frontiers of knowledge and technology through their pioneering work in space exploration,” said Congresswoman Wilson. “I’m honored to attend the new Frontier Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony to recognize their accomplishments and dedication to our country, and will continue to fight to make sure Florida remains at the forefront of our space industry.”

Wilson is a member of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

Rep. Frederica S. Wilson is a first-term congresswoman representing the 17th District of Florida, including Northern Miami-Dade and Southeast Broward Counties. She is a former state legislator and school principal and the founder of the 5000 Role Models for Excellence Project, a mentoring program for young males at risk of dropping out of school.