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Congresswoman Wilson's Statement on the Conditions at Glorieta Gardens in Opa-Locka

Today, Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (FL-24) released the following statement on the conditions at Glorieta Gardens in Opa-Locka:

“The conditions residents of Glorieta Gardens live with every day are simply unacceptable. Mold and feces are coming from kitchen sinks and bathtubs, rat and snake infestations plague the complex, and raw sewage is overflowing children's play areas. Children and seniors with years of documented respiratory disease and skin rashes are forced to take dozens of medications due to the deplorable conditions left unfixed by slum lord owners.

“People need to breathe, and residents can’t continue to live in these conditions. I’m thankful to HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge and her team for working with my office to address this urgent matter. The situation at Glorieta Gardens is a clear violation of basic living standards, and immediate action is imperative.”

“I have made it my mission to see to it that these tenants’ voices are heard and that they are able to raise their families in an environment that is safe, dignified, and free from the deplorable conditions that have plagued Glorieta Gardens for far too long. Additionally, we are exploring legal avenues to ensure that the slum lord owners face the consequences of their neglect and are compelled to make the essential improvements.”

“Our collaborative efforts between HUD, my office, the City of Opa-Locka, and Miami-Dade County aim to bring about meaningful change and hold the negligent property owners accountable. Together, we are working diligently to secure all necessary resources and support to see to it that residents are able to return to livable conditions and live in a community that prioritizes their well-being and safety.” 
