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Congresswoman Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson's Statement on the Anniversary of the Parkland Shooting

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson issued the following statement to mark one year since the Parkland shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School:

"Since the Middle Ages, February 14 has been a day on which people around the globe celebrate love and romance. For Americans, however, it will now forever be the day we also mourn the loss of 14 students and three staff members who were senselessly shot to death one year ago at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

"Sadly, gun violence plagues communities all around the nation. The best way to honor those whose lives have been taken or shattered by it is through actions that will end this horrific epidemic. This week, the House Judiciary Committee advanced the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019, which will close loopholes in the current background check system. It is a critically important first step and I look forward to voting for it on the House floor.

"After the Parkland shooting, young people stood up and spoke both forcefully and passionately about gun violence's impact on their ability to feel safe, which led to the passage of new gun control laws in 26 states, including Florida. Unfortunately, the Florida House is considering a bill that would repeal the measures passed last year.

"That our state legislators would even consider such a move astounds me. I urge them to listen to our constituents' cries of ‘Enough is enough!'"