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Congresswoman Wilson Responds to Unrest in Haiti

Miami, FL – Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson issued the following statement in response to the unrest in Haiti:

"I have been tracking the unrest in Haiti with concern, but am pleased to learn that it is dying down. While I in no way condone violence, it is evident that the protests and riots are symptomatic of the nation's ongoing social and economic crises. Haitians are struggling mightily and are understandably upset about dramatically high increases in fuel prices that will clearly have an adverse impact on their wallets. I also am worried about the American citizens, missionaries and others who have been stranded in Haiti as a result of the turmoil and hope that all airlines will resume flights so they can return home.

"It is my sincere hope that the unrest will swiftly come to a complete halt and that Haiti's leaders will soon be able to implement reforms to address the nation's social and economic issues."