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Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson’s Statement on Haitian Flag Day

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson issued the following statement to acknowledge Haitian Flag Day:

"On this day in 1803, Haitian Revolution leader Jean-Jacques Dessalines and his goddaughter Catherine Flon created Haiti's first flag. The small island nation made history for staging the only successful slave revolt on the Western Hemisphere. Each year on May 18, we celebrate Haitian Flag Day by honoring Haitian culture and applauding the countless contributions Haitians make to the United States.

"I am deeply disappointed by the Trump administration's decision to end Temporary Protected Status for Haitians because it wrongly believes that the country no longer meets the requirements for temporary relief. I have not, however, given up the fight to extend this much-needed designation and explore options for eligible TPS-holders to apply for permanent residency.

"As the congressional representative of a large Haitian community, I have witnessed first-hand how Haitians living in Miami help ease their families' and friends' burden back home by regularly sending money, clothing and other supplies. I also have experienced how they enrich our community in so many ways. It is a privilege to call members of Miami's Haitian community our neighbors, our coworkers and our friends."