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Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson on the Shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson issued the following statement in response to the shooting incident at Parkland, Florida's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School:

"Although mass shootings are taking place in our country with alarming regularity, the sadness and disbelief that we feel on days like this is as cutting as it was the very first time. As a parent, my heart breaks for the 17 families whose children were taken from them in this senseless act of violence. I am praying for the 14 people who have been hospitalized and their families and for the faculty, staff and the entire Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School community.

"As a parent and a former elementary school principal, I am deeply saddened that parents around this nation can no longer send their children off to school in the morning with the absolute certainty that they will return home at night. School is one of the very few places where children should know they are safe. Yet just 44 days into the new year, there have been 18 school shootings, which is an abomination.

"As a member of Congress, I am very angry. Only those serving in the military or in law enforcement should ever have access to assault weapons. How many children have to be killed or injured before we take action so that guns do not get into the wrong hands?

"There are too many damn guns in America, but just a year ago, Congress passed and President Trump signed a law revoking an Obama-era regulation that made it more difficult for people with mental illness to buy guns.

"A great deal of debate has been had about how much of an impact such regulations, enhanced background checks and other measures would actually have on reducing gun violence. What we do know is that making it easier for people to buy guns will most likely increase the likelihood of gun violence.

"Over the next several days, lawmakers will express sadness and sympathy for the families in Parkland, Florida, as they endure this unspeakable pain. They deserve our thoughts and prayers, but what they want and need is for us to take action. Shame on us if we don't."