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Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson Urges District 24 Students to Enter the 2017 Congressional App Challenge

Calling All Kid Coders!

The third annual Congressional App Challenge has begun!

The U.S. House of Representatives launched this exciting and innovative competition in 2015 to encourage students from across the nation to gain hands-on experience in coding and programming and to spark their entrepreneurial spirits.

"Three talented young people from District 24 were among the winners of the inaugural competition. Given the explosive growth of technology, I am eager to see what our students develop this year," said Congresswoman Wilson. "One of the most exciting aspects about contests like this is that kids can go as far as their imaginations will take them."

The competition is open to students who are currently in high school or lower grades and teams can include up to four people, at least two of whom must live and attend school in District 24. The apps, which can be designed for use on the platform of the creators' choice, will be assessed based on the quality of the idea, user experience and design, and coding and programming skills.

Submissions will be judged by a panel of local experts in each district. The winning apps will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol for recognition and featured on the Congressional App Challenge's website. The winning students also are invited to Capitol Hill to meet with representatives from major tech firms. Last year, one winner appeared on Shark Tank and received $100,000 in funding for her app.

"The app challenge is an excellent way to help develop young people's interest in the STEM fields and prepare them for the high-tech jobs of the future," Congresswoman Wilson added. "Kids who have expressed an interest in coding but have no experience should be encouraged to participate. Part of the goal is to motivate them to learn."

For more information and to enter the competition, please visit the Congressional App Challenge's official website at or contact Joyce Jones at

Let the coding begin!