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Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson’s Statement on Haitian Flag Day

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson issued the following statement to acknowledge Haitian Flag Day:

"On this day in history in 1803, Haitian Revolution leader Jean-Jacques Dessalines and his goddaughter Catherine Flon created Haiti's first flag. The small island nation was fighting for its independence and on the verge of making history for staging the only successful slave revolt on the Western Hemisphere. Each year on May 18, we celebrate Haitian Flag Day, honor Haitian culture, and applaud the many contributions Haitians make to the United States.

"This year we are also fighting for the extension of Haiti's Temporary Protected Status designation, set to expire on July 22, to prevent the deportation of Haitians seeking TPS. Haiti is struggling mightily to rebuild following major natural disasters, including an earthquake and hurricanes, and is no position to accept and aid deportees. It also is dealing with health-related crises, from cholera to Zika.

"As the congressional representative of a large Haitian community, I have witnessed first-hand how Haitians living in Miami help ease that burden by regularly sending money, clothing and other supplies back home to their families and friends, as do Haitians living in other cities around the nation. In some cases, these kindnesses are the recipients' sole means of survival.

"Haitians also enrich American life in many ways, and it is an honor to acknowledge their achievements."