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Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson’s Statement in Response to the U.N.’s Apology for Haiti’s 2010 Cholera Epidemic

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson’s Statement in Response to
the U.N.’s Apology for Haiti’s 2010 Cholera Epidemic

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson released the following statement in response to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s formal apology to the people of Haiti for the U.N.’s role in a cholera epidemic that has been attributed to improper wastewater disposal by U.N. peacekeepers sent to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. Approximately 800,000 people contracted the infectious bacterial disease and at least 10,000 died. In October, Rep. Wilson traveled to Haiti to assess the damage caused by Hurricane Matthew, which included a fresh cholera outbreak.

“United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon this week expressed long-overdue regret for the role his organization played in the 2010 cholera outbreak that killed 10,000 people. While I am sure that Haiti’s citizens appreciate his words, what they most want and need is action,” said Congresswoman Wilson. “I commend the U.N. for acknowledging its mea culpa but urge it to take meaningful steps to collect the $400 million pledged to fix Haiti’s water and sanitation system and provide treatment and material assistance to the outbreak’s victims. I also hope that U.N. nations will do the right thing through financial contributions to this critical mission.”