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Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson Participates in Sit-In Against Gun Violence

Ten days have passed since the most horrific mass shooting in modern American history, when 49 innocent people were gunned down in in Orlando's Pulse nightclub and even more were injured, yet there has been no movement in the House to vote on measures to help curb this terrible epidemic. A majority of Americans say they support stronger gun control measures. In a CNN/ORC poll released earlier this week, 92% say they want expanded background checks; 87% say felons or people with mental health problems should not be allowed to buy guns; and 85%, including 90% of Republicans, support preventing people on federal watch lists from buying guns.

Today Rep. Wilson joined House Democrats in taking a stand against congressional inaction on gun violence by sitting in on the House floor. Calls from Democrats and the American public for reasonable gun control measures will not be silenced!

You can watch her floor speech here.