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Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson on the One-Year Anniversary of the Shooting at Charleston’s Mother Emanuel African Methodist Church

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson released the following statement to mark the one-year anniversary of the mass shooting in one of the nation’s oldest black churches:

“Today marks one of the saddest days in history when nine innocent lives were literally blown away in yet another senseless shooting as they gathered for bible study in Charleston’s historic Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Sadly, tragic anniversaries like this are becoming a trend in the United States, and sadder still, this one comes on the heels of the horrifying attack on the LGBT community in Orlando.

“Our hearts ache with sorrow for the incomprehensible losses experienced in Charleston, Orlando, and other communities across the nation, but the best thing we can do is turn our heartache into action, and pass legislation to strengthen background checks, close ‘No Fly, No Buy’ loopholes, and prohibit access to military-style assault weapons.

“No one should be killed because of who they love, the religion they practice, or the color of their skin. Next week, the U.S. Senate will vote on two gun control measures and I strongly urge the House to do the same. As President Obama so eloquently stated after meeting with the Orlando victims’ families, if we fail to take action, massacres like the ones that took place in Charleston, Orlando and too many cities in our great nation will continue to happen, and by our inaction we will have said that “we don’t care enough to do something about it.”