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Congresswoman Frederica Wilson Statement on Black History Month

Today, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-FL) issued the following statement in honor of Black History Month:

MIAMI – Today, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-FL) issued the following statement in honor of Black History Month:

“Each February, we celebrate the history of African-Americans and the contributions they have made to this great nation. African-Americans’ sacrifices and accomplishments should be celebrated every day and taught to our children. Through understanding, we can break down the barriers that so often divide us.

We are a nation rich with culture and diversity, a land of opportunity where dreams can be realized. Let us put aside partisan politics and recommit ourselves to working together to protect the right to vote, to end racial prejudice, to provide quality education, to create quality jobs, and to ensure equal opportunity for all.

As an African-American United States Congresswoman, I stand on the shoulders of all those who came before me—men and women who faced seemingly insurmountable odds, but persevered and paved the way, so that I could be elected to the United States Congress and represent one of the most ethnically diverse districts in the country. I proudly pick up the torch to carry on the work begun before me, and fight not just for my constituents but for all Americans.

This year also marks important milestones in the history of African-Americans in the United States. The Emancipation Proclamation was signed 150 years ago this past January. This year also marks the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Junior’s March on Washington and the swearing in of the United States first black president for a second term in office. These history-making moments show us how far we have come, and remind us of the importance of our individual roles to continue to move this country forward.”

Congresswoman Wilson is available for comment.

U.S. Rep. Frederica S. Wilson is a second-term Congresswoman from Florida representing parts of Northern Miami-Dade and Southeast Broward counties. A former state legislator and school principal, she is the founder of the 5000 Role Models for Excellence Project, a mentoring program for young males at risk of dropping out of school.