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Congresswoman Frederica Wilson’s Statement on the Continued Resolution to Keep Government Open Until December

Washington, DC — Today, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson released the following statement on the Continued Resolution to Keep Government Open Until December, to which Congresswoman Wilson voted yes to keep government open:

“Today, Democrats and Republicans came together to prevent a government shutdown that would have hurt millions of Americans by passing a continuing resolution to keep the government open until December. But before we celebrate, let’s take a moment to address how we got here.

“Last week, House Democrats stood strong to block the extreme MAGA Republicans' efforts to inject toxic provisions into our funding bills. These poison pills would have implemented parts of Trump’s Project 2025, shortchanged veterans, and harmed the middle class. Make no mistake, the only reason we're passing a continuing resolution today instead of months ago is because MAGA Republicans deliberately chose to derail the process.

“Months ago, Democrats and Republicans had already reached a bipartisan agreement to fund the government and avoid this last-minute scramble that people assume is normal in Congress. But instead of honoring that agreement, House Republicans, ordered by President Trump and his political ambitions ahead of the election, decided to stall the process—putting their own political interests above the needs of the American people.

“This didn’t have to happen. Even with this three-month extension, we could have passed a full budget by now if MAGA Republicans had been willing to put aside politics and work with Democrats for the good of the country.

“And let’s be clear: this isn’t just about Democrats pointing fingers. Look at today’s vote. Once again, it was Democrats who stepped up today. Once again, it was Democrats who provided the majority of votes to keep the government open. Once again, Democrats have proven that we are committed to solving problems for the American people and delivering real results, while many House Republicans—despite being the majority—voted to shut the government down.

“So, while I am thankful that we’ve kept the government open, we didn’t need to be pushed to the edge. This process was delayed and nearly derailed by the extremism of MAGA Republicans.”
