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Delegation for 8.17.21: Kabul falls — Reagan — bad meat? — mask up — Haiti

In a year of international crises, Hollywood Democrat Frederica Wilson’s eyes fixed once again this week on the island of Haiti.

Delegation for 8.17.21: Kabul falls — Reagan — bad meat? — mask up — Haiti

Florida Politics / August 17, 2021

Haiti heat

In a year of international crises, Hollywood Democrat Frederica Wilson's eyes fixed once again this week on the island of Haiti.

Florida's 24th Congressional District includes more Haitian American constituents than any other in the United States. When an earthquake killed more than 1,300 people and left some 5,700 displaced from homes, Wilson's concern turned to the island.

"My heart breaks for the people of Haiti, who have endured so much devastation this year and now another earthquake," Wilson tweeted. "As always, I stand ready to help and implore others to do so as well."

Orlando Democrat Val Demings, a co-chair of the House Haiti Caucus, also promised her focus.

"Reports from Haiti are devastating. Already racked by political turmoil and the COVID-19 pandemic, this morning's 7.2 earthquake is heartbreaking," she tweeted Saturday. "I continue to pray for Haitians and will work with my Haiti Caucus Co-Chairs to ensure Haitians have the full support of the U.S. government and regional allies during these challenging times."

The nation earlier this year entered a state of political flux following the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse. Florida residents have since been tied to the plot, revealing connections even in societal underbellies between the Sunshine State and the Pearl of the Antilles.

Since the killing, delegation members have focused on bringing stability to the island. Now, expect attention to turn to humanitarian aid.