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FBI, South Florida Police Team Up to Prevent Trouble as Inauguration Nears

FBI and police departments in Miami-Dade and Broward counties are combing through photos and videos to track down connections

FBI, South Florida Police Team Up to Prevent Trouble as Inauguration Nears

NBC Miami / Willard Shepard / January 12, 2021

FBI and police departments in Miami-Dade and Broward counties are combing through photos and videos to track down connections

The FBI and police departments in South Florida are joining forces to head off trouble here at home, in Tallahassee, and in the nation's capital in the coming days.

Law enforcement teams worry social media messages can fuel another riot in Washington, D.C., and the FBI is putting out warnings about potential trouble.

Law enforcement experts tell NBC 6 that as the moments go by, they are seeing more evidence that shows the riot at the Capitol was emboldened by some with military and police backgrounds who were well prepared.

"We're seeing the pictures now of the flex cuffs, caches of firearms and ammunition," said Michael D'Angelo, retired South Miami Police captain and security consultant.

D'Angelo says the FBI and police departments in Miami-Dade and Broward counties are combing through photos and videos to track down connections.

"I think you are going to see a real close liaison between the FBI and the other federal agencies and South Florida law enforcement just to sort of tie up the loose ends on where those actors that were already arrested in D.C. came from down here," D'Angelo said.

Adam Johnson, who was arrested after being seen in a viral photo carrying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's lectern during the riot, is from the Tampa area.

Officials say it's those dressed in military gear who police are most worried about. Intelligence teams tracking social media now say Trump supporters appear ready to return to D.C.

"Clearly, we are starting to see evidence that somewhere in there was an essential group that gathered intelligence, did their reconnaissance, and certainly had a plan to do a lot more than just disrupt the proceedings," D''Angelo said.

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South Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson believes President Trump's final tweet indicating that he wouldn't be at the inauguration could spell trouble.

"I'm worried too over what's going to happen this week and also I am worried about the inauguration," the longtime educator and Congresswoman said. "The reason I am worried and concerned is because the President announced very clearly and very distinctly to his base I think in a dog whistle fashion that he was not going to attend. So, I think that is an indication it's okay to come and wreak havoc."

The operation to find anyone plotting violence this month is going on around the clock. At least 4 people from Florida who were at the Capitol have been arrested. A Navy veteran and former Air Force officer were also arrested.

Police want to know if anyone who was on a bus from Miami-Dade taking Trump supporters to Washington went inside the Capitol.