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Congresswoman Wilson Denounces House Passage of H.R. 734, the “Politics Over Participation Act”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (FL-24) denounced House Passage of H.R. 734, the “Politics Over Participation Act” known as the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act.” As a Member of the Equality Caucus, Congresswoman Wilson supports the Caucus’ mission to promote equality for all people regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics. 

“There are real problems impacting women’s sports, like sexual harassment, unequal resources, and pay inequity. H.R. 734 is a dangerous bill that does nothing to protect women and girls in sports but forces them to undergo invasive medical exams to ‘prove’ that they’re a girl—that’s reprehensible,” said Congresswoman Wilson. “It is time to prioritize the pressing issues facing our constituents instead of restricting transgender and LGBTQI+ kids from playing with their friends. I stand ready to work with my colleagues to address serious issues faced by women in sports and to move our country forward.”

In advance of the House’s vote on H.R. 734, more than 95 women’s and girls’ rights organizations sent a letter to Congress opposing H.R. 734. Their letter explained that H.R. 734 would inevitably lead to some schools adopting invasive “sex verification” practices, which any girl could be subjected to. Bills that have been considered in the states have also included explicit language about how these trans sports bans would require these invasive practices. For example, in 2021, Florida’s ban on trans inclusion in sports initially allowed schools to subject students to “physical examination.” In 2022, Ohio considered a ban on trans athletes that included a “verification” process based on “internal and external reproductive anatomy” if a student athlete’s gender identity was disputed.   
