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Rep. Wilson Named “Defender of Children” by First Focus Campaign for Children

Miami, Fla. Today, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (FL-24) has been named a 2021 Defender of Children by the bipartisan advocacy organization First Focus Campaign for Children. Just 40 members of the U.S. House of Representatives receive this distinction each year. 

“As a lifelong educator and advocate for children, I am honored to be named Defender of Children by First Focus, an organization who works tirelessly to put children at the center of our legislative priorities,” stated Congresswoman Wilson. “By investing in healthy and productive children, we are investing in the future and prosperity of our nation. I have made it my life’s work to help children succeed in all facets of life and I will continue to put our nation’s students first as we work to give our next generation of leaders a brighter future.”

First Focus Campaign for Children’s 2021 Legislative Scorecard ranks members of Congress according to votes and bill sponsorships taken during the 117th Congress that prioritize the well-being of our nation’s children. The new report examines key pieces of legislation on children’s mental and physical health, child hunger, homelessness, and poverty, treatment of immigrant children, environmental dangers to children and other issues critical to advancing the needs of our children and the families who care for them. Just 120 members of Congress in total, across both chambers and parties, were named Champions or Defenders for children in the 117th Congress.

“Kids don’t vote, and they don’t have political action committees,” said Bruce Lesley, President of First Focus Campaign for Children. “That’s why it’s up to lawmakers to make children a priority and protect their best interests. We commend Congresswoman Wilson for putting children first and hope their contribution will inspire their colleagues to do the same.” 

Background: Congresswoman Wilson and chairs the Education and Labor Committee’s Higher Education and Workforce Investment Subcommittee, which oversees education related issues for children and students across the country. She’s the founder of the 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project, a mentoring and dropout prevention program for young men of color. Every year, the program gives away millions of dollars in scholarships to High School graduates enrolled in the program. Additionally, the Congresswoman recently introduced the Youth Corps Act of 2021, which would provide low-income youth with education and work readiness training.

See the list of winners here. Download the full report here.