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Rep. Wilson Votes to Lift Families Out of Poverty in District 24

Rep. Wilson Applauds the Passage of Poverty Relief Funding for Communities and Local Governments

Miami, Fla. – Today, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (FL-24) voted to pass H.R. 5129 the Community Services Block Grant Modernization Act and deliver resources to help local organizations reduce poverty in communities across the country, including in Miami and Broward.

“Across the country and especially in South Florida, local community organizations have been on the front lines of the fight against poverty, helping support job training, nutrition assistance, affordable childcare, housing assistance, and health services,” said Congresswoman Wilson. “Sadly, they have not received the support they need and deserve– this bill changes that. The Community Services Block Grant Modernization Act makes these and other services possible and ensures that local organizations stepping up to help communities in need can keep their doors open long into the future.”

Community Services Block Grants (CSBGs) support a network of more than 1,000 organizations that meet the unique needs of communities and help low-income individuals and families find their way out of poverty. They are the only dedicated and active federal program with the overarching goal of reducing poverty, regardless of cause or condition.

In 2019 alone, Community Action Agencies (CAAs) supported by CSBG have helped more than nine million individuals—including nearly five million families—achieve economic stability, secure meaningful employment and education, gain and improve job-related skills, obtain housing, and participate in their communities.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, CAAs have played a key role in providing crucial services for struggling Americans – connecting communities to personal protective equipment, vaccines and other health services, and school supplies for remote learning. Unfortunately, CSBG has not been reauthorized since 1998. 

The bipartisan Community Services Block Grant Modernization Act of 2022 reauthorizes CSBG for 10 years with several key improvements, such as:

  • Making robust investments in the program by increasing the annual authorization of appropriations,
  • Requiring all states to expand income eligibility for CSBG services,
  • Increasing accountability and performance requirements for CSBG grantees, and
  • Supporting new and innovative approaches to reducing poverty through a new Community Action Innovations Program.

To read a fact sheet on the Community Services Block Grant Modernization Act of 2022, click here
