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Wilson Statement on the Twelfth Anniversary of the Haiti Earthquake

Wilson Statement on the Twelfth Anniversary of the Haiti Earthquake

Miami, Florida – Congresswoman Frederica Wilson issued the following statement on the anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Haiti on January 12, 2020.

"This year, we mark 12 years since a massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake devastated Haiti led to the loss of more than 250,000 lives and caused more than $8 billion in damages. As the congressional representative of one of the largest Haitian American communities in the United States, I have heard from constituents harrowing accounts of the devastation the hurricane left behind and witnessed firsthand the sorrow and struggle that the people of Haiti endured during multiple visits to the island nation.

"In the immediate aftermath, an outpouring of support flowed to Haiti from across the U.S. and around the globe to aid survivors and rebuild the nation. Still, 12 years later, much more needs to be done if Haiti is to ever rebuild and become self-sufficient.

"I honor the memories of the lives lost in 2012 and pay homage to the survivors. I also join my constituents in praying for Haiti to heal from systemic divisiveness and social inequalities. On this day of remembrance, let us look to a bright future for Haiti that includes political and institutional stability, democratic governance, and sustainable development."
