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Wilson Secures $2.5 Billion in President Biden’s Infrastructure Bill to Fix Florida’s Roads, Bridges, and other Infrastructure

Today, Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson announced that Florida will receive $2,510,041,078 in new federal funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to create good-paying jobs for Floridians and improve roads and bridges across the state. Congresswoman Wilson was one of only five members chosen to cosponsor this landmark legislation, given her leadership and seniority on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

"My mantra has always been jobs, jobs, jobs! I am proud to have worked with President Biden and Chairman DeFazio to secure $2.5 billion to put Floridians to work rebuilding roads and bridges in communities across the state," said Congresswoman Wilson. "These federal dollars represent a strong first step toward strengthening our state's essential infrastructure – and with them, we'll cut down commute times, help small businesses get goods to market, and keep travelers safe on our roads."

The historic and bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed into law by President Biden on November 15, secured new federal funding for highway and bridge repair for communities across the nation. The funds, administered by the Federal-aid Highway Program, can be used for the construction, reconstruction, or improvement.

The American Society of Civil Engineers gave Florida a C grade on its Infrastructure Report Card, finding many deficiencies that require immediate attention. With this funding – and more to come – the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will create good-paying union jobs to strengthen this crippled infrastructure.

"Thanks to the bold leadership of President Biden and House Democrats, we are already seeing the tangible impact of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in communities across Florida," continued Congresswoman Wilson. "I was proud to vote for this historic legislation, which will make a tremendous difference in the lives of Floridians, and I look forward to seeing more federal funding flow into our communities."