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Wilson Introduces House Resolution on Haiti

On July 21, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson introduced a resolution expressing support for the people of Haiti, condemning the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, and urging support of Haitian-led solutions.

Wilson Introduces House Resolution on Haiti

 Washington, DC – On July 21, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson introduced a resolution expressing support for the people of Haiti, condemning the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, and urging support of Haitian-led solutions.

Haiti has long been one of the most vulnerable nations in the Western Hemisphere, struggling with growing political unrest, severe poverty, a spike in gang activity, and a three-fold increase in kidnappings. The Moïse assassination on July 7 pushed Haiti to the brink of a dire humanitarian crisis.

"The House of Representatives…urges President Biden and the Haitian government to engage Haitian civil society and not rush to hold elections without ensuring that the proper conditions are met… and recognizes that solutions to the current crises should not be imposed from abroad and Haitian civil society and the Haitian diaspora must play a central role in restoring faith in government and charting a path to free and fair elections when possible," reads the resolution.

The full resolution, which was cosponsored by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Greggory Meek, can be viewed here.

"My heart breaks for the Haitian people who have endured one crisis after another and now, the assassination of President Moïse threatens to sink Haiti's political future into even greater uncertainty. The international community must affirm Haitian self-determination and refrain from imposing solutions that lack buy-in from the Haitian people," said Congresswoman Wilson. "My resolution calls for strategic and thoughtful support for the island-nation that advances solutions generated through engagement with Haitian civil society."

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