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Wilson Statement on White House Decision to Continue Temporary Protected Status for Haitians

Miami, FL — Today, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson issued the following statement on Temporary Protected Status for Haitians:

"I am elated by President Biden's decision to continue Temporary Protected Status for Haitians living and working in the United States. In addition, undocumented Haitians who arrived in the United States by or before May 21, 2021, and meet certain conditions, will have the opportunity to apply for TPS.

"These decisions come at a time when Haiti is overwhelmed by multiple political, social, and economic crises, and every bit of financial and other assistance that TPS recipients can send to their families who are fighting to survive during this tumultuous period is sorely needed. The decision also will bring a great deal of relief to Haitians in my community and communities across the nation who have built families, businesses and new lives here. It is my sincere hope that the extension will ultimately lead to a more permanent solution and will continue to push for the passage of legislation introduced by a bipartisan group of lawmakers and me to provide a pathway for certain nationals who received TPS before January 13, 2011, to adjust their status to Legal Permanent Resident. In addition, I am calling for President Biden to appoint a special envoy to Haiti to address the nation's political turmoil and bolster Haitian-led solutions to help charter a path back to democratic rule."