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Povertys high costs

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Poverty's high costsFlorida Politics / June 1, 2020No agreement on a coronavirus aid package seems likely in the next few days. With the $600 unemployment boost above state benefits now expired, both sides are latching on to this to bash the other.Publicly, Democrats are totally ignoring the Heals Act introduced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that directs $1 trillion toward…

FEMA relief

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FEMA reliefFlorida Politics / Staff Reports / April 26, 2020While the federal government goes trillions of dollars deeper in debt to fight COVID-19, states face daunting budget holes as well. Rep. John Rutherford of Jacksonville and several House colleagues believe one way to help states is for the federal government to pick up all of the costs from FEMA assistance. Rutherford and New…

Florida Delegation Urges Equitable Distribution of CARES Act Hospital Funding

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Florida Delegation Urges Equitable Distribution of CARES Act Hospital Funding Florida Daily / April 20, 2020Last week, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. and U.S. Rep. Donna Shalala, D-Fla., rounded up the Florida delegation and U.S. Rep. Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon, R-PR, sent a letter to U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Sec. Alex Azar and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)…

Stimulus Funds Continue to Go to Airports Across Florida

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Stimulus Funds Continue to Go to Airports Across Florida Florida Daily / Kevin Derby / April 19, 2020Members of the Florida congressional delegation continue to announce funds for airports in the Sunshine State. This week, U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., who sits on the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, announced that airports in South Florida will get more than…

South Florida Airports Receive More Than $340 Million in Emergency COVID-19 Funding

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South Florida Airports Receive More Than $340 Million in Emergency COVID-19 FundingSouth Florida Caribbean News / April 16, 2020MIAMI – On Wednesday, April 15, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson announced that airports in South Florida will receive $342,272,000 million in emergency funding as a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that Congress passed…

Frederica Wilson: $85 Million in Coronavirus Stimulus Funds Headed to Colleges, Universities in South Florida District

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Frederica Wilson: $85 Million in Coronavirus Stimulus Funds Headed to Colleges, Universities in South Florida DistrictFlorida Daily / Kevin Derby / April 16, 2020On Wednesday, U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., announced colleges and universities in her South Florida district would receive almost $85 million as part of the $2.2 trillion stimulus package that the White House and Congress…

South Florida Airports Receive More Than $340 Million in Emergency COVID-19 Funding

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South Florida Airports Receive More Than $340 Million in Emergency COVID-19 FundingSouth Florida Caribbean News / April 16, 2020MIAMI – On Wednesday, April 15, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson announced that airports in South Florida will receive $342,272,000 million in emergency funding as a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that Congress passed…

District 24 awarded over $92 million for COVID-19 relief

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District 24 awarded over $92 million for COVID-19 relief Miami Times / Penny Dickerson / April 15, 2020Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson scored two pandemic power moves in one week that complement a continual stream of bill sponsorship. Most have been in support of the COVID-19 pandemic and the upcoming 2020 presidential election. On Monday, April 13, Wilson announced colleges and…

Congresswoman Wilson Announces More Than $340 Million in Emergency COVID-19 Funding for South Florida Airports

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Miami, Fla. – Today, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson announced that airports in South Florida would receive $342,272,000 million in emergency funding as a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that Congress passed on March 27. The funding will help airports continue operations and replace lost revenue caused by a sharp decline in airline travel. …

Florida Delegation Calls on USDA to Provide Relief for Floridas Agricultural Industry

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Florida Delegation Calls on USDA to Provide Relief for Florida's Agricultural IndustryFlorida Daily / Kevin Derby / April 12, 2020This week, Florida's two U.S. senators–Republicans Marco Rubio and Rick Scott–and 25 of the state's 27 members in the U.S. House urged U.S. Agriculture Sec. Sonny Perdue to provide immediate relief to Florida's agricultural producers. Florida's vast…