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Know Your Reproductive Rights and Resources

Know Your Reproductive Rights and Resources 

In the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, the landscape of abortion laws across states has undergone significant changes. Unfortunately, Florida Lawmakers have relentlessly attacked reproductive rights here in Florida. So, while abortion under certain circumstances is still legal in Florida, abortion rights are under attack, and the landscape of abortion laws are rapidly changing. 

Every Floridian deserves the autonomy to make their own reproductive health decision because people, not politicians, need to be in control of their livelihoods. 

For comprehensive information on understanding your rights, accessing care in Florida, and Congressional efforts to advance reproductive freedom, please refer to the resources below.

I am fighting every day to uphold reproductive justice. That means protecting the right to an abortion, protecting access to contraception, and protecting the rights of every person to make their own reproductive health decisions. I am also committed to confidentiality in abortion services. I believe every individual possesses the legal right to healthcare privacy, empowering them to make confidential choices regarding safe abortion care, birth control options, and accessing reproductive health care. I am fighting for a state that stands firm against harassment and discrimination, ensuring that individuals can exercise their reproductive rights freely. 

Your freedom to make informed choices about your health is of utmost importance, and as a proud member of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, I am dedicated to supporting initiatives that uphold these rights for all in the Sunshine State. 

Access Care 


Regardless of whether Democrats constitute the majority or minority, my fellow Democratic colleagues in Congress and I consistently fight to promote legislation that upholds your reproductive rights, safeguards your private healthcare information, enhances access to healthcare, and reaffirms the United States' dedication to global health and human rights on a global scale, among various other crucial matters. Explore further details about these initiatives here: 

Abortion Care

In Florida, abortion is currently legal and protected by the State Constitution. However, during a recent legislative session, Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Legislature passed a ban on abortions after 15 weeks gestation. This decision has raised concerns as it appears to be in conflict with previous court decisions in Florida and the constitutional right to privacy for Floridians, but as of now, that is the law. If you have any specific questions or need further information, please feel free to browse the relevant resources below. 

Contraception Rights

The power to determine if, how, and when you embark on parenthood belongs solely to you. Each individual is entitled to that autonomy and the freedom to select the most suitable method of birth control without political intervention. In the face of escalating GOP assaults on contraception nationwide, I take pride in aligning myself with the 9 in 10 Americans who endorse the bipartisan Right to Contraception Act. This legislation aims to codify the right to contraception in federal law, thwarting any endeavors to limit access to birth control. 

Emergency Contraception, birth control, and medical abortion pills are still all available and legal in Florida.

Data Protection

The decisions regarding your reproductive healthcare should remain confidential between you and your healthcare provider. It is imperative that such information is never disclosed without your consent or exploited for any purpose. Safeguarding personal reproductive health data is a priority, and I take pride in endorsing the My Body, My Data Act, which seeks to establish a new national standard for safeguarding the privacy of personal reproductive and sexual health information. 

Resources for Victims of Sexual Violence 

Victim Services

The VIPS funds rape crisis centers in Florida to provide the following services 24/7 to primary victims of sexual violence: crisis intervention, information and referral, advocacy and accompaniment, counseling, therapy, hotline services, and support groups. 

If you or someone you know is a victim of sexual assault, call the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence’s (FCASV) toll-free hotline at 1-888-956-7273 or visit FCASV’s website at 

Domestic Violence

VIPS offers technical assistance to Departments of Health in local counties on safety planning, internal operating policy, training, and assistance in building ongoing collaborative partnerships with domestic violence centers. Medical studies link the long-term effects of domestic violence and abuse with a myriad of major health problems, including smoking, diabetes, obesity, eating disorders, and substance abuse. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, call the Florida Domestic Violence Hotline toll-free at 1-800-500-1119 or visit

Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP)

If you or someone you know is a victim of sexual assault, call the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence’s (FCASV) toll-free hotline at 1-888-956-7273 or visit FCASV’s website

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Violence Against Women provides Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP) grant funding to the Department. The Department passes these funds to FCASV, which subcontracts the funds to eight certified rape crisis programs. 

SASP provides funding for intervention, advocacy, accompaniment (e.g., accompanying victims to court, medical facilities, police departments, etc.), support services, and related assistance to: 

  • Adult, youth, and child victims of sexual assault 

  • Family and household members of such victims 

  • Those collaterally affected by the victimization (e.g., friends, coworkers, classmates), except for the perpetrator of such victimization 

  • Support outreach and awareness activities for underserved populations 

Rape Crisis Program Trust Fund (RCPTF) and General Revenue

Find your local rape crisis center. 

In 2003, the Florida legislature created the Sexual Battery Victims' Access to Services Act (F.S. 794.055) and the Rape Crisis Program Trust Fund (F.S. 794.056) in the Department of Health. 

The Act creates a $151 ($1.00 for the court) surcharge on offenders convicted of sexual battery and other offenses including many of the aggravated battery and battery offenses. The RCPTF was created to accept collected fines, fees, and other funds designated for rape crisis services. The Department contracts with FCASV to distribute the trust fund monies to rape crisis centers throughout Florida. 64F-20.001 Distribution of Funds from the Rape Crisis Program Trust Fund. 

The Florida Legislature provides $5,342,604 through a recurring base appropriations project for statewide services for victims of sexual assault. At least 95% of the funds provided must be distributed to certified rape crisis centers for victim service provision. 

The FCASV implements a certification program for certified rape crisis centers to ensure high-quality services are provided to sexual violence victims in Florida. Five of the six core services must be achieved to receive trust fund money and to be considered a certified rape crisis center.

Mental Health Resources 

Florida Resources

  • 211 - Thousands of caring, local experts are available to help, 24/7. Calls to 211 are confidential and can be anonymous. 

  • Hope for Healing - Hope for Healing navigates the many ways Floridians can access help for mental health and substance abuse. 

  • Resiliency and Mental Health - Resources for children provided by the Florida Department of Education. 

  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse - The Florida Department of Children and Families provides crisis support resources to locate verified social services providers for things like food, housing, transit, healthcare, legal aid, and more. 

  • Children’s Mental Health - Coordinated network of community-based services and supports that is family-driven to produce individualized, evidence-based, culturally and linguistically competent outcomes that improve the lives of children and their families. 

More information on the resources above: 

Sexual Violence Prevention | Florida Department of Health ( 

Monitoring Changes to Abortion in the State of Florida 

Track the Florida Supreme Court Case: 

  • Governor DeSantis signed into law a six-week abortion ban that is currently is not in effect and currently being reviewed by the Florida Supreme Court. 

Track abortion legislature in the Florida House: 

Track abortion legislature in the Florida Senate: 

Track effort to put the right to an abortion on the 2024 ballot:

Track the US Supreme Court’s review of an abortion pill:

Federal Resources:

National Rights and Resources 

Reproductive Health Care Coverage Family Planning Resources

Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus "Know Your Rights Project Page"

Health Resources 

Family Planning Resources in Miami-Dade: 

Family Planning Resources in Broward: 

Planned Parenthood: 

If you’re looking for abortion care in Miami-Dade or Broward, see below


Planned Parenthood, Kendall Health Center: 

Today's Women Medical 

Advanced Woman's Care: 


Eve Medical of Miami: 

Office of Michael Benjamin, MD: 

Aastra Women's Center: 

Online Service: 

Aid Access via US-based provider in a "shield law" state: 

Q & A 

Q: What does abortion access look like in Florida? 

A: People in Florida have a state constitutional right to abortion.

  • Title XXIX FL Statute Ch. 390 § 1-15 (2023): 

  •  Patients seeking care must follow a two-step process, involving a 24-hour hold period and two in-person appointments. The first appointment includes mandatory disclosures and an ultrasound, while the second appointment is where the abortion is performed, or abortion medication is provided. 

  • During the initial appointment, patients receive state-directed counseling, along with disclosures that include printed materials presenting alternatives to abortion. Additionally, a pre-appointment ultrasound is required, with patients given the option to view and have the images explained to them. 

  • As of July 1, 2022, abortions are prohibited after 15 weeks from the patient's last menstrual period, with exceptions for cases where it's necessary to save an individual's life, prevent a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment, or in instances of fatal fetal abnormalities in non-viable fetuses. 

  • In Florida, obtaining an abortion involves a mandatory 24-hour waiting period after the first in-person consultation. Minors seeking abortion are subject to parental notification requirements, although provisions exist for obtaining a judicial bypass.

Q: What are your rights to abortion in Florida? 

A: The Florida Constitution grants individuals greater privacy rights compared to the U.S. Constitution by explicitly stating the right to privacy: 

"Right of privacy.—Every natural person has the right to be let alone and free from governmental intrusion into the person’s private life except as otherwise provided herein. This section shall not be construed to limit the public’s right of access to public records and meetings as provided by law." 

Article I, Section 24, Fla. Constitution 

The Florida Supreme Court has found that the constitutional right to privacy includes the right to decide whether or not to continue a pregnancy. The court has said that until the end of the first trimester, the decision must be left to the woman and may not be significantly restricted by the state. After the first trimester, until the fetus is capable of meaningful life outside of the womb, the state can only regulate based on its interest in maternal health. Once the fetus has reached viability, the state can regulate in the interest of the unborn child if the mother’s health is not in jeopardy. 

Q: Do I have to pay for an abortion out of pocket? 

A: Certain insurance providers include coverage for abortion services. Contact your insurance company to inquire about abortion as a covered benefit and request information on in-network clinics. The phone number is typically located on the back of your insurance card. 

In Florida, Medicaid does not generally cover abortion expenses unless it involves cases of rape, incest, or life endangerment. However, some clinics may provide discounts for individuals enrolled in Medicaid. 

Q: What is a judicial bypass? 

A: In 2020, the Florida Legislature enacted a law mandating parental notification and consent for the majority of minors seeking abortion care. However, a judicial bypass is available as an alternative for individuals under 18 years old who wish to access abortion without involving their parents. Minors have the option to petition a judge to waive the requirement for parental notification and consent, and the process can be initiated at a local courthouse. 

Q. Can undocumented immigrants receive abortion care? 

A. Undocumented immigrants still have a right to healthcare in Florida, including abortion services. 

Q. Can incarcerated individuals receive abortion care? 

A. Incarcerated individuals in prisons or jails still have a right to healthcare, including abortion services. 

Q. Do I have to pay abortion out of pocket? 

A: Multiple health insurances in the State of Florida do provide abortion care as part of their coverage. Call your health insurance to find out if abortion services are in your health insurance plan. 

Medicaid will not cover abortion services except in cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment. However, multiple health clinics do provide abortion services at a discount if you are a Medicaid recipient.

Q: Are emergency contraception, birth control, and abortion pills still available in the state of Florida? 

A: Despite the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court, it's important to note that medication abortion and other reproductive care remain legal in Florida. However, the state's laws pose challenges for individuals seeking abortions. Patients are still welcome to seek birth control and safe abortion services at Planned Parenthood. In Florida, one option for medication abortion involves taking pills to safely terminate a pregnancy within the first 10 weeks (up to 11 weeks), although the state imposes certain barriers to access. 

Q: What is the status of abortion for transgender and nonbinary individuals? 

A: In Florida, abortion remains accessible for transgender and nonbinary individuals. However, it's crucial to highlight that over a dozen states are actively pursuing restrictions on access to gender-affirming care, including Florida, specifically targeting transgender and nonbinary individuals, particularly those under the age of 19. These legislative efforts often employ inflammatory language such as "mutilation" and "sterilization" when referring to gender-affirming care, which encompasses medications like puberty blockers, hormone therapies, and procedures such as gender-affirming surgeries. 

Press Releases 

Congresswoman Wilson’s Statement on the Supreme Court’s Abortion Decision 

Congresswoman Wilson Votes to Defend Reproductive Health Freedoms 

Congresswoman Wilson's Op-ed in the Hill on Abortion

Need Further Assistance? 

My offices and dedicated team are available to assist you and address any inquiries you may have. 

For support regarding federal agencies and access to local Florida resources, reach out to my Miami Gardens office at (305) 690-5905. 

If you wish to share your thoughts on policies or have questions about federal legislation, please contact the Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-4506.