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Congresswoman Wilson’s Statement on President Biden’s nomination of Detra Shaw-Wilder to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (FL-24) released the following statement on the White House’s nomination of Detra Shaw-Wilder to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida:

“Today, I stand with immense pride – not solely as a member of Congress witnessing a constituent's remarkable journey, but also as a Black woman, deeply touched on a personal level. Over two years ago, the late U.S. District Court Judge Marcia Cooke asked me to advocate for the nomination of a Black woman to succeed her as she contemplated her legacy following a cancer diagnosis. Her passing, exactly one year later, filled her words with the weight of a final plea, a resounding call to action to embrace diversity.”    

“Since then, I have worked tirelessly with the White House and the Senate to honor Judge Cooke’s wish. And today, Judge Cooke’s dying wish and that of her community will be fulfilled as President Biden has nominated prominent trial attorney Detra Shaw-Wilder to fill a seat on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida. Detra embodies the qualities essential to judicial excellence: integrity, legal acumen, and unwavering intellectual rigor. Her nomination marks the realization of Judge Cooke's vision and reinforces our collective commitment to diversity on the bench."

“This historic nomination not only underscores the Biden administration's dedication to diversity but also serves as a beacon of hope for aspiring little Black girls around our community that can look at Detra Shaw-Wilder and say, ‘I too can become a federal judge.’ I thank President Biden, Senator Rubio, and Senator Scott for working diligently with me to make today a reality.  I also want to thank Attorney H.T. Smith and Attorney Larry Handfield for their strong and consistent advocacy alongside me. Now it is my hope the U.S. Senate will confirm her, ensuring that she assumes her rightful place as the next judge on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.”

Congresswoman Wilson wrote an Op-ed in the Miami Herald about the need to nominate Detra Shaw-Wilder to the federal judiciary. Click here to read it.

Congresswoman Wilson also reacted to the White House’s initial decision not to nominate Detra Shaw-Wilder to the United States Southern District of Florida. Click here to read the whole story.
